Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Wordy Wednesday
I'm cheating. We didn't check this out at the library, it happens to be one of my favorite books, and I'm about to seriously espouse my love for someone other than Ziggy.

I'm cheating. We didn't check this out at the library, it happens to be one of my favorite books, and I'm about to seriously espouse my love for someone other than Ziggy.

I love Ogden Nash. Love. And even though there are plenty of puns in his poetry, which some may say is the basest of humor (what can I say, I like poop jokes, too) his points are witty. He can turn a phrase. He can write sentiment with perfect comedic timing (actually, much like my amazing husband can). "You, and Me and PB Shelley" has livened many a bored or trying moment for me and is currently Goose's favorite poem for me to recite to her before bedtime.

Which brings me to the collection called Zoo. Ziggy found it for me a few years ago for my birthday. It is a wonderful collection of animal themed poems that are great for adults and kids alike. And while Goose I'm sure doesn't get who Lawrence Welk is (someone who I even had to look up and from whom I doubt my ears will recover), the poems are funny on other levels.

Here's one that Goose can do by herself:

The panther is like a leopard
Except it hasn't been peppered.
Should you behold a panther crouch
Be prepared to say, "ouch".
Better yet, if called by a panther,
Don't anther.

If you're not familiar with Nash, you might think he's Shel Silverstein-esque, or if you're a bit more contemporary than him even, he has a Dean Koontz's children's poetry quality but, ho, ho! He began being published in the 30's and 40's.

If you can, check out Zoo or The Old Dog Barks Backwards for extra fun.
posted by Lori @ 11:49 PM  

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Name: Lori
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