Friday, July 23, 2010
Weekly Worth A Listen: Soundtrack Lovelies

I'm a little late for Chelsea's meme this week but camping has left us a bit drained. SO without further adieu here we go:

1. Sugar High - Empire Records
Not on the actual soundtrack but a great song

2. Walk this Land - Remixed for Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels

3. Spanish Sahara - Foals (Entourage)

4. Well Respected Man - The Kinks (clip from Supernatural)
That Jensen Ackles is a stone cold fox. Embedding was disabled so here's a link. Best line: "Cause he's better than the rest/and his arm sweat smells the best."

5. Hearing Damage - Thom Yorke (from New Moon)
"Your mind is restless/You say you're getting better, but you don't feel any better"

6. Tire Swing - Kimya Dawson (from Juno)

7. Uprising - Muse (from V trailer)
Monkey's favorite song. I love hearing words like "interchanging" and "victorious" from a two year old.

8. Waterslide - The Bonedaddys (from I Love You, Man)
Since Monkey's song is on here, Goose's has to be on here too. She like to make up her own topical lyrics to this tune as a sort of social commentary.

9. On the Cliff By the Sea - Ponyo
If you don't speak Japanese, don't bother. The kids love this song and Ziggy can make up words that make me laugh so hard I'm seconds from peeing my pants.

10. Oh, Sookie - Snoop Dogg (inspired by True Blood
This might be the most hilarious fan song I've ever heard. Sam Trammell said Snoop calling him a "bitch" was one of the highlights of his career.
posted by Lori @ 8:49 AM  
  • At July 28, 2010 at 10:52 AM, Anonymous Sarah said…

    Empire Records is quite possibly my most favorite movie ever. The soundtrack was a little disappointing though, and I totally base this on the fact that Sugarhigh was absent. That is such a great song! I would have also enjoyed a little "Say No More" because, really, who doesn't love Rex Manning?!
    Thom Yorke's "Hearing Damage" gets my vote for best music placement in a movie. That scene was completely enhanced by his music. I loved it! Thom should have just been inducted into the Rock 'n Roll hall of fame at birth. The man is brilliant.


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